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News about Too Much Media products and related technology.

  • 19 April 2024 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released April 19th, 2024 (2024-04-19)
    * Fixed Passthrough missing issue for Epoch member.
    * Corrected an issue when setting up an incoming upsell for a token site where the details fields did not correctly display.
    * Resolved an issue where re-ordering join options sent you back out to the Sites Admin.
    * New $config['LIMITED_MEMBER_POST_LOGINIDS'] set to an array of loginids which will restrict the data sent via affiliate postback. For loginids set, NATS will only send the data that is specified in the affiliate postback url variables.
    * Updated account changes to always log changes. Previously, account changes were logged only when they required affiliate verification or admin approval.
    * Updated auth.net auth method from md5 to sha512.
    * Allow disabling the report cache, or reducing the frequency of recording usage statistics for it.
    * Added config settings to allow clients to set a list of IPs that will not need Google Recaptcha verification.
    * Added a feature to allow admins to configure default join form field validation check to resolve undesired member records.
    * Updated Age Verification check.
    * Added 5 custom fields to each join option in NATS.
    * Updated signupplus process for reactivation on Epoch.
    * Added the ability to manually specify refurl in request to www/signup.php.

  • 17 April 2024 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released April 12th, 2024 (2024-04-12)
    * Resolved an issue where the Age Verification Message was always displayed.
    * Resolved an issue where an Upsell would fail to process.
    * Added a new method for updating allowed IPs for CentroBill.
    * Updated the backup.sh script.
    * Added Yoti age verification integration.

  • 05 April 2024 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released April 5th, 2024 (2024-04-05)
    * Added active member subscriptions to the Members Admin search functionality.
    * Resolved an issue regarding Paygarden passthrough order.
    * Resolved an issue regarding campaignid filter.
    * Resolved an issue with Vendo postback not updating member password in NATS.
    * Added config setting to set timeout setting for RG poll script.
    * Added Vservices sites/option auto sync feature.
    * Updated Netbilling, STBILL and Orgpay with a new feature to stop rebilling on member rename.
    * Added PayBackBank process type to Segpay.
    * Added the ability to search usernames in the Member Admin using the “=” symbol.
    * Added a config setting titled “ADMIN_NOTIFICATION_IGNORE_BAD_SITE” to ignore invalid site notifications for admins.
    * Added additional information that is available on the transaction report.
    * Improved the speed at which Cancel Plus page loads under certain situations.
    * Resolved an issue regarding CCBILLFF join page.
    * Resolved an issue where affiliate email verification would fail on template link.

  • 29 March 2024 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released March 29th, 2024 (2024-03-29)
    * Added Netbilling setting to not expire membership when initial sale refund happens.
    * Added 3ds support to Connect Billing. Due to the flow change, when using the gateway integration of Connect Billing, NATS will no longer record the biller error for initial transactions in a surfer action.
    * Added Rocketfuel as a Biller.
    * Added the Signup Plus feature for Netbilling and NBNATIVE.
    * Added a new config setting ‘API_INCLUDE_BILLER_SITE_INFO’ to allow GET MEMBER DETAILS API call to get biller site information.
    * Added wildcard to block full email provider domains, ex: %%@domain.com, on config JOIN_EMAIL_BLACKLIST.
    * Resolved an issue related to the poll expired call for tcharge.
    * Additional passthrough variables provided for RGNATIVE’s Upsell feature.
    * Fixed bulk import issue with the ignore duplicate setting on.
    * Corrected a possible issue when using the config setting MEMBERS_NO_ACTIVE_UNENCRYPTED where Segpay rebills could incorrectly update a member’s password.
    * Resolved a message reply issue on Legacy NATS on a numeric affiliate username.
    * Upsell denials now correctly display the page_upsell_denial template instead of the page_denial template.

  • 22 March 2024 New NATS Version Available:

    A new version of NATS is now available.

    Released March 21st, 2024 (2024-03-21)
    * Moved config ‘SEVERE_NOTIFY_POPUP’ from ‘misc’ to the ‘notifications’ section.
    * Added delay on Bill1st PrimeOrange and MobiusPay poll script.
    * Added error details for the failed, fake, and auto instant upgrade surfer actions.
    * Updated international wire payvia field to be grouped better.
    * Added the ‘upsellexpire’ feature for Argus.
    * Resolved an issue regarding Epoch passing ‘member_id’ field in the signupplus script.
    * Added Google reCAPTCHAv2 support for Special Join Options & Special Join Form.
    * Fixed incorrect ‘from’ address used to send email using the API.
    * Resolved an issue with subscription passthrough fields for the Epoch Token Plus feature.
    * Corrected a possible issue that prevented adding a manual invoice for an affiliate.
    * Added the ability to select ‘special options’ in the Options dropdown of the Profit and Loss report.
    * Resolved an issue preventing expired members from upselling using Vservices.
    * Added bluecheck age verification integration