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New NATS 3 Biller: FABilling
FABilling has been added as a new payment processor to NATS 3. This integration allows NATS 3 program owners to process transactions through their FABilling account and have those transactions recorded in NATS. Please put in a support ticket if you wish to include FABilling in your NATS 3 installation and our techs will contact you to add this biller to your system. Once installed, details in regards to setting up FABilling in NATS can be found here
New NATS 4 Payment Method: AlertPay
AlertPay has been added as a new payment method to NATS 4. This allows NATS 4 program owners to use the AlertPay Payment Interface to pay their affiliates. The AlertPay integration includes the payment method itself, as well as an export dump format that is compatible with the AlertPay Payment System. Please put in a support ticket if you wish to include AlertPay in your NATS 4 installation and our techs will contact you to add this payment method to your system.
News Article Sections
Program owners of NATS 4.1 can create multiple News Article sections for your affiliates to view. In the News and Notifications section, you can create or delete news sections by clicking the icons next to the news section dropdown menu. Once created, you can select between your news sections to add news items to each section. Program owners can also set the default news section to be displayed for affiliates in the Configuration Admin under the Affiliate Default Settings section. To display the news section on any NATS template you can use the nats_display_news template function. Details on how to use this function can be found here
Affiliate CSV Dumps
Affiliates who use NATS 4 can retrieve either a comma separated (CSV) dump file or an XML file of their statistics which they can use outside of NATS. Once logged in, Affiliates can retrieve this data by generating a URL to go to "internal.php?page=dump", including other details on the time frame for which they would like to retrieve data. Details in regards to how to retrieve this data can be found in the TMM wiki article here